kefalas dimitris

AIDA Hellas Championship DYN 107m dimitris kefalas

AIDA Hellas Championship DNF 76m 5thplace Dimitris Kefalas

Horse Racing JOCKEY CAM with Dimitris Kefalas 4K

Athens apnea 5 dyn dimitris kefalas

dnf apnea - Dimitris Kefalas

athens apnea 5 dnf dimitris kefalas

Demonstration of Kermit for CP/M with Cyboard on Amstrad CPC

☼Essential House Music Mix 2022☼

7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

HDCPM - How to create and prepare a CP/M image file in a FAT formatted hard disk

CuriouSand ☼ House Music Mix 2022

Climate Change Hub Breakfast Briefing


Demonstration of Cyboard interface on CPC running SymbOS

Νίκος Παπάζογλου - Κανείς εδώ δεν τραγουδά (cover)

Teaser Kefalas

Snapshots 2022 ☼ House Music Mix

Marathon Club, Training Camp Karpenisi 2014.

#Gamos | Dimitris - Fani

Tina kefalas, training camp 2012(1)

Orbis: A.I. for Deliberative Democracy

Tina kefalas, training camp 2012(2)

10 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Μπάμπης Κεφαλάς- Ο γέρος